Thursday, August 27, 2020

Summary of Night Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Synopsis of Night - Essay Example During the time before Wiesel’s episode in the holocaust, he and his dad experience a far away affiliation that is shy of correspondence and staggering measure of help. At last, the bond among Wiesel and his dad gets more grounded as they rely upon each other for solace and backing (Wiesel, 2006). This paper will be a synopsis of Night. Wiesel’s record of the affiliation he imparts to Chlomo, his dad, before the holocaust, features that the relationship is remote and is shy of the bond a child and father every now and again own. Toward the beginning of the book, Wiesel portrays his dad as a man who couldn't care less about his family, and rather, thinks about his work. It is evident Wiesel feels that his dad is investing an excessive amount of energy to charm others and less time with his family or him. At the point when Wiesel needs to seek after his confidence with extraordinary looking, his dad keeps in touch with him off as being very youthful. Obviously both Wiesel and his dad are not as personal as they ought to be in the period preceding the Holocaust (Wiesel, 2006). On occasion, this might be a direct result of underestimating bonds. Wiesel’s father feels that his activities are in the best result of the family. He does this via thinking about his status in the general public and taking a stab at the store. Perhaps he feels that his family will keep going forever. Additionally, Wiesel to a great extent thinks about learning his confidence and uses a ton of his time with Moshe the Beadle, his coach, and at the gathering place. Wiesel looks for the mentorship of an alternate manual for help him in his learning, rather than his dad. This ought to be a period Wiesel and his dad build up a solid bond. Conversely, the bond doesn't create. Wiesel feels his dad is a difficulty to him, and he is blameworthy about this assumption (Wiesel, 2006). Wiesel begins to see his dad as a notable individual that he wouldn't like to lose when his family is caught and placed into steers vans. At the point when they reach at Birkenau and leave the vehicles, youngsters and ladies are coordinated to go to one side, and men are advised to go to the correct side. Wiesel is at a middle of the road age. He can decide to go with the youngsters and his mom, however as another option, he decides to stay with his dad who may stay alone. This critical decision holds the Wiesel and his dad together for the remainder of the book. The association that Wiesel holds with his dad during their difficulties and agonies at Buna and Birkenau is one of numerous child and father relations featured in the book (Wiesel, 2006). The assessments among Wiesel and his dad is one of a kind amidst different connections showed I the story. It is amazing to perceive how Wiesel keeps up such bold suppositions of versatility and love towards his dad in the Holocaust While others execute, abuse, or forsake their own. Wiesel calls attention to, on three distinct occurre nces, accounts of youngsters awfully mishandling their dads. The primary example happens at Buna. This is the place one of the youthful Pipel’s is seen mishandling his dad since his dad has not made his bed in an appropriate manner. The subsequent occasion happens on the destruction stroll from Buna to Gleiwitz. Here, a child runs in front of his dad, forsaking him for dead. At long last, on a train to Buchenwald, a battle develops between the hostages. There is an elderly person who rises up out of the battle with a bit of bread. His child snatches him beating him

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Univerzitet u Beogradu , Filoloski fakultet Essay Example For Students

Univerzitet u Beogradu , Filoloski fakultet Essay UniverzitetuBeogradu,Filoloskifakultet Spanskijezik,knjizevnostikultura Spanskijezik1 Rezimeteksta DrAnaKuzmanovicBeograd,decembar2016. UvodUdzbenik Svet hispanistike napisan je 2011. godine kako bi se u velikoj meri studentima hispanistike olaksalo upoznavanje sa kulturom I civilizacijom spanskog govornog podrucja. Autori udzbenika kazu da ova knjiga ima ambiciju da predstavlja neku vrstu vodica kroz svet hispanistike. Mi cemo se u ovom rezimeu fokusirati na spanski jezik, podrucje na kom se koristi I njegove dijalekte I varijante. JezikIz cinjenica navedenih u tekstu, mozemo videti da spanski jezik ili katiljanski (el castellano) spada u velike jezike savremenog sveta I da se govori sirom planete. Zvanican je jezik u Spaniji, zemljama Hispanske Amerike I Ekvatorijalne Gvineje. Spada u grupu romanskih jezika I potice od narodnog govornog latinskog (latin obscene) koji se govorio na Iberijskom poluostrvu za vreme rimske okupacije. Jedan od jezika koji je najvise uticao na razvoj spanskog jezika je arapski, koji je obogatio spanski recnik u raznim oblastima. Upravo tom periodu, izmedju desetog I trinaestog veka,se kastiljanski konsolidovao kao jezik. Kastiljanski jezik se nametnuo kao jezik Spanije zbog jacanja Kastilje I prevlasti nad ostalim kraljevinama. Danas su jezici tih kraljevina ostali u tragovima u vidu sledecih dijalekata:leonski (leones)asturijski (asturiano)aragonski (aragones)andaluzijski (andaluz)Iako je zvanicni jezik u mnogim zemljama, u govornom jeziku se primecuju velike razlike, pogotovo u zem ljama Hispanske Amerike. Zato dolazi do pojava varijanata. Postoje razlicite varijante od kojih su meksicke, argentinske, kubanske I filipinske, kao I ladino, jezik Jevreja Sefarda. U ovim varijantama dolazi do mesanja drugih jezika I kultura okolnih zemalja I naroda sa spanskim jezikom. We will compose a custom article on Univerzitet u Beogradu , Filoloski fakultet explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Autor ovog poglavlja nam u ovom tekstu daje do znanja da jezik mora da ispunjava sledecih pet kriterijuma da bi se smatrao svetskim jezikom:KohezijaJezik mora da bude razumljiv I da stvara poruku na koherentnom jezickom kodeksu. ZajednistvoTreba da postoji velika zajednica kojoj je taj jezik maternji. KulturaMora biti povezan sa kulturom I knjizevnoscu koja prevazilazi granice govornog podrucja. KolonizacijaSmatra se da svetski jezici pripadaju narodima koju putuju I osvajaju nove prostore. TrgovinaTrgovina omogucava komunikaciju sa drugim narodima. Spanski jezik ispunjava svih pet uslova I njegov uticaj raste sa razvojem kulture I brojnim emigracijama. Dolazimo do jos jedne podele jezika:Medjunarodni jezik koji se govori u nekoliko zemaljaLingva franka jezik koji je sredstvo komunikacije ljudi koji imaju razliciti maternji jezikUniverzalni jezik - poseduje odlike oba navedena jezika, ali I usvojen je od strane razlicitih naroda na razlicitim prostorima JezickasituacijauSpanijiispanskijezikdanasZvanicni jezik Spanije je kastiljanski ili spanski, medjutim u ustavu Spanije, jezici autonomnih zajednica su takodje prihvaceni. To su: Baskijski (el euskera) Govori se u podrucju Baskije I jedini je jezik koji ne pripada grupi romanskih jezika. Njegovo poreklo je nepoznato. Postoje spekulacije o njegovom poreklu, ali nijedna nije potvrdjena. Galisijski (el gallego)Nastao je od narodnog govornog latinskog jezika I vodi poreklo od galisijko-portugalskog. Zajedno sa spanskim je postao zvanicni jezik Galisije 1981. godine. Katalonski (el catalan)Pripada grupi romanskih jezika. Varijanta katalonskog je valensijski jezik koji se koristi u vecem delu Valensije. Spanski ustav podjednako ceni sve varijante spanskog jezika I one se vode kao kulturna bastina. Varijante jezika se stite pomocu statuta koje raspisuju autonomne pokrajine. Katalonski, galisijski I baskijski su od 2005. godine u upotrebi pri skupovima Evropske unije, sto govori o njihovoj vaznosti I priznatosti. Iako postoji dosta varijanti spanskog, sve su na neki nacin srodne normiranom jeziku, te se govornici razlicitih varijanti I dalje lako razumeju. Autor se u daljem tekstu pita odakle potice prevlast kastiljanskog nad ostalim varijetetima. Bitan faktor jeste istorija I period rekonkiste, kada se Kastija na celu sa kraljicom Izabelom istakla kao pokretac borbe protiv Muslimana I mecena Kristoferu Kolumbu, zahvaljujuci cijim otkricima je Kastilja zagospodarila novim prostranstvima I ucvrstila politicku I jezicku dominaciju u Spaniji. Danas spanski jezik govori kao maternji ili koristi u sluzbene svrhe preko 440 miliona ljudi. Spanski se govori na teritoriji Spanije, Ekvatorijalne Gvineje, u jednom delu Sahare, Severnoj, Srednjoj, Juznoj Americi (sem Brazila I Gvajane) I delovima SAD-a. Spanski jezik je cetvrti na svetu po broju govornika. (Soldatic, Donic, 2011: 47,48)Prva gramatika spanskog jezika napisana je 1492. godine od strane Antonija de Nebrihe. Dalje normiranje I negu jedinstva gramatike, fonetike I recnika nastavila je Spanska kraljevska akademija (Real Academia Espanola) osnovana 1713. godine. .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .postImageUrl , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:hover , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:visited , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:active { border:0!important; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:active , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:hover { haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u e75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Locke and Hobbes EssayNova gramatika spanskog jezika uvazava I americke varijante. SpanskijezikuAmericiPostoji dosta uocljivih razlika u fonetici, leksici, morfologiji I sintaksi u hispanoamerickim varijantama spanskog jezika. Tako da se na osnovu tih razlika u govoru lako moze reci ko potice iz Kolumbije, ko iz Argentine, Kube ili Meksika. Ova tri cinioca su znacajno uticala na stvaranje americkog spanskog:1. Jezicko nasledje koje je Amerika zadobila od Spanije;2. Doprinos domorodackih jezika stvaranju hispanoamerickih dijalekata;3. Uticaj africkih jezika na americki spanski. Ove tri stavke detaljno su proucene od strane Dzona M. Lipskog (John M. Lipski) u knjizi El espanol de America. Veliki uticaj na spanski imala je muslimanska kultura I sam jezik (arapski). U spanskom jeziku ima oko cetiri hiljade reci arapskog porekla. Od XVII I XVIII veka otkrivaju se slicnosti izmedju spanskog koji se govori u Americi I spanskog u Andaluziji, medjutim tek od XX veka krece da se proucava andaluzizam americkog spanskog. Tome su doprinele studije Maksa Leopolda Vagnera (Max Leopold Wagner) El espanol de America y el latin obscene (Spanski u Americi I narodni latinski) iz 1920. godine, kao I esej Pedra Enrikes Urenje (Pedro Henriquez Urena) Observaciones sobre el espanol de America (Zapazanja o americkom spanskom) iz 1921. godine. Pominju se pojave kao sto su seseo I yeismo. Takodje, smatra se da su na americki spanski dosta uticali africki jezici koji su usli u Ameriku preko crnih robova. Tragove afrohispanskog u spanskom imamo na Kubi, u Puerto Riku, Dominikanskoj republici, Panami, Kolumbiji I Venecueli. Svakako da prilikom kolonizacije, mesanja razlicitih kultura I osvajanja dolazi do hibridnih rezultata, tj. stvaranja novih jezika, medjutim, tragovi prvog I osnovnog jezika se ne mogu izbrisati. Ovo je jedna od znacajnih odlika americkog spanskog zato sto taj jezik ima svoju posebnost I unutrasnje razlike u odnosu na jezik Spanije, a na to su veliki uticaj imali indijanski jezici. (Soldatic, Donic,2011: 53) ZakljucakAutori u knjizi jasno I sistematicno iznose podatke o rasprostranjenju, istoriji razvitka I varijantama savremenog spanskog jezika. Tekst ne mozemo kriticki ispitati, jer se radi o cinjenicama koje su lisene subjektivnog misljenja autora. Ovaj udzbenik namenjen je studentima koji se tek upoznaju sa svetom hispanistike I odlican je vodic kroz celokupnu istoriju Spanije. Napisan je koherentno I sadrzi ekvivalentne nazive svih bitnih pojmova I na spanskom jeziku. Spanski jezik, kao cetvrt

Friday, August 21, 2020

Help With My Paper in a Flash Tutorial Course - Learn Online How to Help With My Paper

Help With My Paper in a Flash Tutorial Course - Learn Online How to Help With My PaperFinding help with my paper would normally mean searching for a tutor or making a phone call to a company. But, in today's modern world, there are now online sources available that can help with my paper, even if you do not know how to type!Internet searches for help with my paper can lead you to a variety of options. You can make a phone call, but the truth is that this is something that has become more common than ever. Before you spend your money and get a tutor, try these tips on how to help with my paper using the internet.For starters, you will want to decide when you will be able to fit in your study time. How much free time you have to spend on your papers. Sometimes you may need a tutor during the weekend, but this will depend on your teacher and the teacher of your friend.A good online source will not cost a fortune. Instead, this means you do not have to pay a ton of money upfront. Keep in mind, though, that you need to find a site that offers quality materials, like the help with my paper in a Flash tutorial course from an author named Sebastian Klimovitz.After you find a place that you are comfortable with, there are many other things to consider when you are putting together your materials. If you want help with my paper in a Flash tutorial course, you should include the following topics: Writing Structure, Grammar, Sentence Formatting, Assignments, Multiple Choice, Test Preparation, Lists, Listing Things, and Resources. There are a lot of tools available for teachers to use for every subject in their courses.This site offers many essay topics, from science to business. The topics are high-quality and should give you an idea as to what works best for your paper. And, of course, you have the option of adding in notes and other information as you go along.One thing to remember about online resources is that they work best when they offer a mix of instant feedback. Y ou will be able to post comments on a project after you have started it. There are also sites that offer live chats where students can post questions to instructors.In the end, the best online resource for help with my paper will be one that allows you to do your own pace. Do not feel pressured into doing something that you do not want to do, because this will make you want to quit and go back to the drawing board. Find the right online guide for you can find out how to help with my paper using the internet.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Organic And Free Range Of Grass Fed Essay - 2144 Words

Organic. Cage Free. Free Range. Grass Fed. Non-GMO. These descriptors are used in grocery stores across the United States of America and are a major component of guiding consumers through their purchasing decisions. However, since these labels usually appear without any description, how do consumers know what do these labels really mean? Furthermore, how do food producers and their governing organizations decide when a label can be applied? The meat, egg, and produce industry are all affected by this nomenclature system. Therefore, the everyday consumer comes in contact with these labels every time they make a food purchase and often rely on them to help them make the healthier and more ethical food choice. But are these labels really denoting ethical sourcing, improved health benefits, and how strictly is the labeling regulated? The rise of organic farming in the United States came about following the general push to return to a more natural way of life in the late 1960s and 1970s. This was really a return to the traditional farming methods that were used exclusively until the rise of industrial farming in the 1920s. A major force behind this movement was science writer, Rachel Carson who published Silent Spring in 1962 (History). In this work, she focused on the loss of songbirds due to the widespread use of DDT and the otherwise â€Å"indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and weed killers† (History). The label â€Å"organics† sprung from consumer pressureShow MoreRelatedAn Objective Study Of Food And Nutrition Essay871 Words   |  4 Pagesnutritional science has made great leaps. One controversial and relevant topic within nutritional science, as well as food science in 2016 is the difference between organic and conventional food. While it has been documented that organic foods may have greater micronutrient content, the macronutrient and caloric value is generally the same between organic and conational food products. (1) T hat is to say that an organically grown apple without the use of antibiotics and pesticides, herbicides, etc. will be moreRead MoreCorn Fed vs. Grass Fed Beef Essay1028 Words   |  5 Pagesprimary differences between grass fed and corn fed beef. I had thought to myself hmmm I was thinking all cows had just ate grass. I always thought cow’s were slow food because they ate grass but I wondered how so much beef was being produced so fast, but then I thought about all the chicken steroid stories. Cows are ruminants designed by nature to stay healthy and be totally sustained taking nourishment on grass and only grass. Cows, have stomachs that are designed to digest grass. But of demand and becauseRead MoreBeef Industry : A Radical Transformation1024 Words   |  5 Pages When it comes to free range beef and mass produced beef, it is evident what side of the fence people stand on with their preference of beef. It is only within the last few decades or so that the beef industry has undergone a radical transformation. Beef means big business for agriculture and with meat being so readily available, it only means higher revenue for beef processing companies. On the other side of the spectrum, you have cattlemen and consumers wanting their beef farm raised withoutRead MoreThe Basic Concept Of Organic Farming1368 Words   |  6 PagesPART A: The basic concept for organic farming is simple: allow nature to follow its natural path and achieve a natural state to develop sustainable and harmonious enterprises with the environment and community. Organic production is a holistic method of production that involves more than choosing not to use synthetic pesticides, fertilisers, genetically modified organisms (GM) on crops, and growth hormones in livestock. Organic farming is a viable alternative production method to optimise the agro-ecosystemRead MoreConfinement Vs. Non Confinement Feeding Of Animals1870 Words   |  8 Pageslivestock or animals in an open grazing, free roam environment which has been widely used in the past. Today I would like for you to understand the differences between the two in order to better recognize the progression of the industry. Introduction 1. (Attention Getter): Picture yourself driving down the road, on one side there is a large group of animals in a fenced in area or a corral, on the other side of the road is another large group of animals roaming free in a large pasture area. a. TheRead MoreEric Schlossers Fast Food Nation: Fast Foods Impact on Society1592 Words   |  7 PagesEmployees worked at a furious pace to meet the days quota. What bothered me most was the fact that this meat is not only prepared for fast food companies but also contracted out to serve our childrens schools. The quality of the meat that is fed to children in school and at the fast food restaurants is, in some cases, horrendous. The animals used to make about one quarter of the nations ground beef - worn out dairy cattle Ââ€" are the animals most likely to be diseased and riddled with antibioticRead MoreHow Organic Food Is Better Than Buying And Eating The Non Organic Foods2225 Words   |  9 Pagesfood that we consume in daily routine. One such issue claims that eating organic food is much better than buying and eating the non – organic food (D. Mosbergen July 2014). Certain studies point to the fact that the organic food that is available in almost every market is the best healthy option available whereas others say that it is no good but a tactical business strategy for increasing the sales of products labelled as â€Å"Organic†. While surfing through the internet and also while reading newspapersRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods : The Negative Side Effects Of Gmo Products1739 Words   |  7 Pagescompanies and nonprofits will follow the lead of the Rockefeller Foundation and offer their products at reduced cost to impoverished nations (GMO Facts). One of the criticisms against GM foods has been what some consider a power shift away from local, organic farmers to biotechnology companies. Some individuals believe that these companies have gained far too much control over the production of crops and foods. Instead, it is believed that more power and control should be in the hands of farmers and consumersRead MoreOrganic Farming vs Factory Farming Essays1108 Words   |  5 Pagesillness and death in our communities. The environment is also damaged and contaminated. This devastating trend, due to irresponsible farming practices as a result of the industrialization of the food industry, has become all too comm on. Returning to organic farming, which our grandparents referred to as farming, and reclaiming our food is not only our choice, it is our right. Conventional farming practices are responsible for many negative health and environmental issues. One of the main issues isRead MoreDisruptive Innovations in the Meat Industry1004 Words   |  4 Pagesactivists to treat animals more humanely, as has been seen by the rise in cage free eggs and organic meat. However, there is also a global demand for more affordable meat to feed the burgeoning population. This demand for more and better beef, pork, chicken and other meats has meant that more and more animals are fed grain in tighter and tighter quarters. Already, the United Nations FAO estimates that 30 percent of the ice-free land in the world is directly or indirectly involved in livestock production

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing Strategy Of Black Ivory Coffee Essay - 1195 Words

Black Ivory Coffee is a luxury product that has global appeal in the high end markets. It is a rare product that commands a high price tag. The quantity that is produced yearly, coupled with its unique production process, makes it an ideal offering at select luxury hotels. Much of the sales are direct to consumer through its website. Its price and status as the world’s most expensive coffee targets coffee connoisseur with disposable income. It is an aspirational product. Black Ivory coffee appeals to someone that is looking for a new and unique experience. They are not concerned with the price but value the quality and taste over everything else. The production process is as important to the product as the coffee beans themselves. The elephants are street rescued Thai elephants at the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation in Chiang Saen Thailand. The product’s story and marketing strategy is further enhanced by the company’s commitment to the elephants and th e local workers. 8% of Black Ivory Coffee sales will help fund a specialist elephant veterinarian to provide free care to elephants in Thailand including the purchasing of medicine to treat sick elephants. Decaffeinated Black Ivory Coffee One way Black Ivory Coffee could expand their business would be to create a decaffeinated version of their beans. In doing so they would have to add costs as well as multiple components to their supply chain. The first step would be for Black Ivory Coffee to decide which processShow MoreRelatedStarbucks Australi Lessons From A Global Company2108 Words   |  9 PagesStarbucks Australia: Lessons from a Global Company PURPOSE: As part of the requirements for Marketing Fundamentals, I was assigned to do research on an Australian company and their current marketing strategies; and then recommend improvements to the marketing plan. 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This in turns aids in designing products which are contemporary and relevant to the changing attitudes and evolving socio economicRead MoreMarketing Principle Quiz20161 Words   |  81 PagesChapter 1   Question 1 | 1 out of 1 points    | | For many years, Procter amp; Gamble (Pamp;G) viewed its Ivory soap as just plain old soap—and not as a cleansing product that could provide other benefits as well. When it came to Ivory soap, Pamp;G focused on how well it made the soap and not on what customers wanted from a bar of soap. It had a _____ orientation. | | | | | Selected Answer: |   a.   production | Correct Answer: |   a.   production | Feedback: | The production orientation

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Road to Hell free essay sample

This case study analysis seeks to analyse the different impacts on Caribbean Bauxite following the resignation of Matthew Rennalls, successor to the position of production manager. Matthew cited cultural differences and John offensive racial comments for his resignation. Further, Matthew’s resignation came a day after his interview with John Baker, his direct superior. The analysis drew attention to the short-term, medium-term and long-term issues Caribbean Bauxite has to deal with following Matthew’s departure. The short-term issues discussed relates to the void in position of production manager; and the possible exodus of Barracanian staff given Matthew’s popularity. The medium-term issues discussed pertains to the poor communication channel existent within Caribbean Bauxite; possible political implications given Matthew’s father position within the government; and leadership problem. Finally, the long-term issues discussed include the possible factionalism within the organisation and drawbacks of ethnocentric approach that would impact upon Caribbean Bauxite. Thus the most pressing short-term concern is to deal with the production manager vacancy. We will write a custom essay sample on Road to Hell or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Following, Caribbean should prepare a series of appropriate responses to deal with Matthew’s departure to preserve the corporate image of the organisation. Subsequently, the management of Caribbean Bauxite should seek to resolve the medium-term issues of poor communication within the organisation through cross cultural preparation workshops. Further, Caribbean should approach Matthew and his father to inform them about their plans. Lastly, it is recommended that Caribbean Bauxite focuses on the creation of a diversity management committee to handle all diversity related problems and accelerate the progress of the regionalisation programme. In due course, this would contribute to higher morale levels and lower employee turnover. http://www. papercamp. com/essay/31776/Road-To-Hell-Case-Study-Analysis 2. Identification of the problem(s)/plight. The racial problem is obvious. The man who is wanted to come in the front of this Barracania branch, Rennalls, has a lot of political influence    by being the son of the minister of finance and economic planning    and is also the most fit for the job    studied at London University where he had taken first-class honors in the BSs engineering degree, but has only one defect, he is a local. The person who must promote this young man is John Baker, an english expatriate who has been working in this domain for several years. The mistake made by Baker is huge. During the interview he insults Rennalls by saying that his people do not have as much experience in commerce as the europeans and the americans do. 2. 2 Negative effects The father of Rennalls occupies an extremely important position in the Government. He also felt offended by the words of Baker and has the power to stop the company’s activity in Barracania. 2. 3 Causes By wanting too much to connect with Rennalls and to find out about his racial consciousness, John Baker made some big mistakes. The issue of the racial discrimination is extremely sensitive in this case. Another cause of this conflict is the fact that Baker forgot about the position that Rennalls father occupied and acted as a foreign that only tries to prove that Barracanians are inferior. 3. Alternative solution Solution A Mr. John Baker should remain in charge due to the rough discussion that determinate    Mr. Rennalls to resign. This will not be accepted by the European, who by his culture would not consider himself guilty for the interview that went wrong. In this way, The Company will lose a great young becoming leader in terms of Rennalls who is extremely proud to recognize his mistakes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THE LARGE N essays England in the eighteenth century saw a significant increase in criminal activity specifically in the growing towns where urbanisation was taking place. England prospered and her cities and ports flourished as worldwide trade and manufacturing expanded. The population soared as harvests improved and people migrated into the cities and towns searching for better lives. Cities became the centre for politics and culture. People were forced to live in close proximity to each other in a rather confined space. All this had huge implications for crime. In the generation after the Glorious Revolution few contemporaries doubted that crime and disorder were not only increasing but rampant. In particular they saw towns and cities as sinks of vice, stores of disrespect, and dens of thieving. For the most part they were just as certain that dramatic and at times drastic initiatives were necessary to stem this tide. This took the form of numerous laws and acts. The growing population stretched resources and work became a shortage. The peace disbanded many soldiers who returned home, facing unemployment. Food prices rose but wages fell. Poverty and hardship pushed many towards crime in order to survive; they were victims of economical and societal change, living on the very margins of society. As towns became the centres for trade, commerce, manufacture and home to the upper classes new opportunities for crime especially theft presented themselves. The upper classes felt progressively more threatened by the criminal behaviour of the lower classes. They were a menace to the political and social authority of the ruling class and it was feared that they would cause anarchy. Contemporaries felt that crime was very largely the work of an alienated fringe population living in idleness, immorality, and depravity, in fact a criminal, and a dangerous, class that congregated particularly in London and the enlarging citie...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Leo Straus -Carl Schmitt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Leo Straus -Carl Schmitt - Essay Example It also includes the state of indifference towards others’ political, social, economic, cultural, personal and religious activities. International politics, international law, state organizations, social justice, equality, liberty and social movements also come into the fold of liberalism. It is Marxism and modernism that have brought the term liberalism in its wake in modern theory and practice giving birth to feminism and other movements subsequently. An over-whelming majority of the scholars and thinkers have welcomed the notion declaring it a necessary element to secure the freedom of the individuals on the one hand, and create a free and fair world on the other. On the contrary, renowned political philosopher of twentieth century Leo Strauss seriously refutes the idea of liberalism declaring it a constant threat to the feelings of collectivism, national integrity, coherence and social solidarity. He is of the view that contemporary liberalism is the logical outcome of the philosophical principles of modernity, taken to their extremes. (Locke, 2002) Strauss emphatically opines that unchecked liberalism may lead towards conflict, devastation, destruction, turmoil and turbulence. The wars and battles, according to him, are also the outcome of so much and unwanted liberalism that lead the world under the clutches of dictatorship. Carl Schmitt also maintains the same views in this regards. Liberalism, according to him, by its nature, is hostile to all political projects. â€Å"In liberal democracy, writes Schmitt, â€Å"politics far from being the concern of an elite, has become the despised business of a rather dubious class of persons.† (1985: 4: quoted in Sunic and retrieved Thus, he emphatically rejects undue liberalism and declares it the way that paves the way for dictatorship in the world at large. Meier shows how Schmitt tried to accommodate some of the Strauss textual

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Political Environment for Coca-Cola and Pepsi in India Essay

The Political Environment for Coca-Cola and Pepsi in India - Essay Example 3. The Indian market is enormous in terms of population and geography. How have the two companies responded to the sheer scale of operations in India in terms of product policies, promotional activities, pricing policies, and distribution arrangements? India is the second most populated country in the world. The country has a population of 1.19 billion people (CultureGrams). Both Pepsi and Coca Cola have done a poor job of expanding the size of the market. One of the reasons that the companies have been ineffective in this foreign market is because the firms failed to realize that the marketing strategy that worked in Western nations will not be effective in an Asian marketplace. An inherent problem of the Indian marketplace is that income per capita of the consumers is very low. The yearly gross domestic product per capita of India is $3,500 (CultureGrams). The firms have not taken advantage of the fact that their products are food items that have the attribute of being a physiologi cal necessity for customers. 4. â€Å"Global localization† (glocalization) is a policy that both companies have implemented successfully. Give examples for each company from the case. The use of globalization was utilized in the marketing strategies of the companies. For instance Pepsi realized that the Indian people have the same passion for sports that many Americans have even though the sports each market likes is different. The Pepsi ad campaigns focused on sports that Indians like such as soccer. Globalization implies that companies can implement certain business strategies in different markets with similar results. The use of acquisition was a strategy that helped Pepsi increased its overall market share. Coca Cola utilized globalization in its... This essay describes and analyzes the political environment in India, that has been very challenging to both Coca-Cola and Pepsi due to the fact that the government is very protective of the local industries. It is stated that Coca Cola entered the Indian market first in 1958, but it withdrew India in 1977 due to a controversy over the copyrights of its formula. Intellectual property is often not protected in foreign marketplaces. In order for Coca-Cola and Pepsi to penetrate the marketplace in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s these firms had to negotiate joint ventures with local firms. The researcher mentiones that political environment of India could have been studied more closely prior to these two companies entering the India marketplace. One of the reasons that the companies have been ineffective in this foreign market is because the firms failed to realize that the marketing strategy that worked in Western nations will not be effective in an Asian marketplace. Th e researcher also describes an inherent problem of the Indian marketplace, that is that income per capita of the consumers is very low. The researcher also discusses what lessons can each company draw from its Indian experience as it contemplates entry into other Big Emerging Markets and comments on the decision of both Pepsi and Coke to enter the bottled water market instead of continuing to focus on their core products — carbonated beverages and cola based drinks in particular, because a lot of consumers prefer to drink a bottle of water over a soda.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Manipulation techniques Essay Example for Free

Manipulation techniques Essay Richard is generally a callous person who shows no remorse to anyone or any action. He is duplicitous, manipulative, deceiving. He counter argues, compliments, quickly responds and twists peoples words.  Towards women, he is a different man. He is a very good actor and uses this as an advantage. He normally showers them with compliments and manipulates them.  In act 1 scene 2, Richard is put to the test of making Anne agree to marry him. This would prove difficult, as Richard has killed Annes husband and father-in-law. He compliments her in this scene so much, to pacify her. At this stage, Anne is angry and will not listen to him. For Richard to actually persuade her to marry him would be quite difficult. This is where his manipulation techniques come in. Nay, do not pause: for I did kill King Henry-but twas thy beauty that provokes me. Nay, now dispatch twas I that stabbed young Edward but twas thy heavenly face that set me on. This speech from Richard puts Anne in a very difficult position. She ha a sword in her hand, and he is in a vulnerable position. Anne knows he is a murderer and will feel petrified. This is how he manipulates her, Throughout the scene, there is a certain stichomythia. Where Anne makes fun of Richard and then Richard instantly responds about her beauty. He does not hesitate. Would it were mortal poison, for thy snake!, Never came poison from so sweet a place. He is responding very quickly and does not give up.  Richard says he killed her husband because of her beauty: Your beauty was the cause of this defect. He is saying she is so beautiful that he had to kill her husband so she could be free to marry him. He is trying to make out that she is responsible for her husbands death because he wants to make her feel guilty if she feel guilty, she will be even more vulnerable. He also uses very romantic language your beauty that did haunt me in my sleep. He knows women like to be called beautiful and telling her he killed because of her beauty emphasises how beautiful he finds her. Despite Annes initial hostility, Richards persuasive skills win her over. He is so effective that he makes Anne think Richard has become penitent who is honest and show remorse.  In act 4 scene 4, Richard talks to Elizabeth in a different tone in contrast to Anne. He doesnt shower her with compliments but he gives her ideas of thoughts that could be achieved if she agrees to make her daughter marry him.  Richard acts very innocent towards Elizabeth as if he has done nothing wrong. You speak as if that I had slain my cousins. He is trying to make Elizabeth think that Richard is calm, gentle and caring instead of malicious and cruel. Richard talks to Elizabeth a lot about advantages for Richard marrying her daughter: I do intend to make her queen of England. This would mean Elizabeth would be the queens mother.But mine shall be a comfort to your age. This means they will have children and she will be a grandmother and have a family again.  When Elizabeth sarcastically goes over all the ways he has hurt her family, Richard says, You mock me, madam. This is not the way to win your daughter. Richard answers simply and directly because he does not know what else to say. Faced with Elizabeths bitter sarcasm Richard is no longer being clever, witty and cynical. For the first time, he has met someone who can be more sarcastic than him and he doesnt know how to answer her. She is not frightened of him, so he cannot threaten her and, in any case, he needs her help to marry her daughter. He realises he cant get anywhere with her by being so clever, so he decides to persuade her by talking about what she will get out of allowing him to marry her daughter: wealth, status, grandchildren, he son allowed to return from exile. For the first time in the play, he has to treat someone as an equal.  Richards treatment of Anne in the first extract is different to the treatment of Elizabeth in the second in several ways: He showers Anne with compliments; he talks to Elizabeth about advantages of her daughter marring him; his conversation to Anne is a lot faster and rapid than the one to Elizabeth.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Sadistic Zealots :: essays research papers

Opinion Sadistic Zealots   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The acts of terrorists on September 11, 2001, demolished two important American buildings and executed thousands of innocent victims. This united Americans, both to mourn the loss of lives and to fight back against international terrorism. However unforgivable, this attack was not a senseless act of violence by sadistic zealots. Apparently, the terrorists were not aware of the long-term consequences of their actions. The brainwashed crusaders may not have even known the motivation for the attack but were blindly following a twisted act of eccentric Muslims. In either case, serious short and long-term reactions will ensue until ultimately, a peaceful resolution will result or the world will be at war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The causes of this atrocious terrorism are numerous and date back to biblical history when freedom fighters were misguided by radical factions, such as the zealots who fought Roman domination while Christ sought peace. In the present, one of the chief causes is America’s gift of approximately three billion dollars to Israel each year. This money and support is then used to help the Israeli Army fight an endless territorial war against Palestine. The result is anti-US. demonstrations in Palestine and other Arab countries. The arsenals used by Israelis to attack Palestine were obtained through American aid. US technology has provided for easy international travel and contemporary buildings and cities produce easy targets to kill innocent victims with one mighty blow. Therefore, when people ask today what Americans did to deserve this, the answer would be simple. America entwined itself into a war over hallowed ground. Hoping to be a mediator, it did not realize that it is in no place to proctor such a violent bonanza.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Basinger Hickey 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The reactions of Americans to the terrorism were what everyone expected. An initial fear of certain doom was followed by remorse and grief for the loss of lives. Next came the nationwide sacred oath of revenge, one that was shared by the President of the United States. He vowed vengeance on the perpetrators of the attack. Among the individual Americans, no consensus is available on what they feel needs to be done. Extremists feel that the only way to rectify this situation is to sacrifice all Arab countries. Others hope that there is no need for any more violence, as it can only escalate into even more trouble for targeted countries. For instance, perhaps the solution will be found by bringing Osama bin Ladin and his cult of kamikaze bandits to justice other then executing millions of innocent Arabs with a bomb.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Outline current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures Essay

The children’s Act 1989 The children’s act 1989 is a British act of parliament that changed the law concerning children; the law introduced the idea of ‘Parental responsibility’ i.e. – The child’s requirements arising from race, culture, language and religion be taken into account. – The best place for a child/young person was to be cared for was within their own home. – If legal proceedings should occur then parents should continue to be involved with their children, even if the parents were separated or divorced. See more: 5 paragraph essay format – The welfare of a child should be promoted by a healthy partnership between the local authority and by family involved. The most important ruling of the children’s act was the welfare of the child and it should be regarded paramount by a court in any question of the child’s upbringing. The following checklist must take place by a court when making a decision about a child’s future; – The wishes and feelings of the child/young person must be taken into consideration and that the child has a chance to expresses their concerns and opinions. – The physical, emotional and the educational needs of a child be taken into thought – e.g. could it affect their education if removed from their family due to stress, this could also affect the child physically, losing weight due to unhappiness and upheaval in their lives. Emotionally a child/young person could feel frightened about being alone and separated from parents, the will almost certainly feel insecure and rejected about the transition they will have to make. – Any harm that that the child has already suffered or is at risk of suffering if kept in his/hers present surroundings. The heart of the  children’s act is to offer adequate safeguards to a child/young person who may be at risk and try to protect families and their children from being separated. United Nations Convention (UNICEF) in 1989 governments worldwide set out a pledge that all children should have the same rights. These rights were based on what a child needed to survive, grow and to fulfil their potential. They would be regarded the same no matter of who they were or where they came from. Human rights were founded on; – reverence or worth of every individual under the age of 18, regardless of race, gender, language or religion. – All organisations involved with children should work together in order to work towards what is best for that child. – That all children have a right to a life and that government should make sure that a child survives and develops properly in order to reach their potential. – A child should not be separated from their parents unless it is absolutely essential – e.g.; abuse or neglect. If the child has parent’s who are separated then the child should have the right to stay in contact with both parents unless this will cause harm and hurt to the child. – Governments should take steps to stop a child/young person being illegally taken from their country by an abducting parent. Every child matters. Every child matters was a UK government initiative that was launched in 2003 after the death of Victoria Climbie. Every child matters cover children and young adults up to the age of 19. The aims of this initiative are for every child, whatever their background or circumstance, to have the support they need to; – Be healthy; Physical, mental and emotional well being – Stay safe; Protection from harm and neglect – Enjoy and achieve; Education training and recreation – Make a positive contribution; The contributions made by them to society – Achieve economic well being; Social and economic well being Each of these themes has a framework attached that requires multi agency partnerships working together to achieve success i.e. early years, children’s social services and schools. In the past it was believed that children and families received poor services through lack of communication with the appropriate professionals involved. Every child matters changed this view by stressing that all professionals should be aware of the input that could be made by their own and each other’s service. Working together to safeguard children Working together to safeguard children is a government guideline which sets out how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard and encourage the welfare of children and young people in agreement with ‘the children act 1989’ and ‘the children act 2004. Working together is designed for professionals who have particular responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The key of this guideline is that professionals caring for young people must work together to improve children’s and young people’s lives. They must respect and listen to what children and young people have to say and involve all parties when making decisions. Common assessment framework (CAF) a common assessment framework is an approach taken when conducting an assessment of a child/young person’s needs and deciding how these needs should be met. All professionals involved with children have developed this for use so that they can communicate and work more effectively together. CAF supports early intervention by providing a guideline that enables professionals in specific services to assess the needs of a child/young person and to look for other services that can help. A CAF is essential for professionals to identify any sign that a child may be in need of extra support, to then assess that child’s needs and gather information for relevant agencies. A framework was designed to help local authorities to work alongside families to promote the upbringing of a child/young person.  The children’s act provided frameworks for local authorities to develop effective strategies and policies in which to work. It can also be used for recording and sharing infor mation to agencies and specialist services to use their resources where they are needed most. 1.2 Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people. Safeguarding is about protecting children and young people from more than just direct abuse. Any service that works with children and young people has a wider role than simply protecting them from neglect and abuse. The Staying Safe action plan recognises many important aspects in the wider view of safeguarding including; – keeping children safe from accidents. – Crime and bullying. – forced marriages – missing children. – Actively promoting their welfare in a healthy and safe environment. 1.3 Analyse how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people. It is very important that anybody working with children should be able to recognise if a child is at risk of harm or in need because of their vulnerability. The earlier this is recognised, the better the outcome will be for the child involved. There are guidelines to follow to make sure that all of the services and agencies involved can work together to get the best outcome for the child and to improve their safeguarding. Any childcare practise will have clear policies and procedure that cover all aspects of safeguarding; this will include policies for, – Health and safety. – Child protection. – contact with children and performing personal care. – Outings – Visitors to the setting Risk assessments must be carried out to make sure that there are no safeguarding threats to the children in a setting, premise’ need risk assessing, for example are there any entrances to the building that an unauthorised person could use, or could a child leave without anybody noticing. 1.4 Explain when and why inquiries and serious case reviews are required and how the sharing of the findings informs practice. There is an important partnership in every feature of safeguarding, from government legislation to local guidelines on safeguarding. It is crucial that all agencies communicate and cooperate together to promote the safety and well being of children. In the framework of safeguarding we must establish and abide by guidelines and work within the law, especially in regard to the protection of children. In the event of a death or a child is suspected of being a victim of abuse or neglect, there will always be a serious case review. The local safeguarding children’s board (LSCB) will consider whether a review should be undertaken and whether there could be other children involved i.e. siblings. Subsequently organisations and agencies should consider whether there are lessons to be learnt from these cases, what these lessons are, how they can be acted on and what can be expected to change as a result, ultimately this will improve inter agency work and better safeguard for children an d young people. The newest development to help agencies and professionals share information is the common assessment framework (CAF), this system enables multi agencies to access and add information about children. 1.5 Explain how the processes used by own work setting or service comply with legislation that covers data protection, information handling and sharing. Sharing information is the solution to improving beneficial outcomes for all children. It is essential to facilitate early intervention and preventative work for safeguarding children. All professionals involved with children  must know and understand what to do and the most effective ways of sharing information about children who are at risk of abuse or neglect. In some situations, sharing information with a family about their child could seem good practice, but it is not crucial e.g. where evidence of abuse or neglect could be destroyed or removed by a parent/carer or where a child could be placed at an increased risk when parents/carers have this knowledge. Any paperwork with children’s details on is kept away from other parents and only used when needed, no information can be passed on about somebody else’s child and details cannot be given out. Letters are often sent out to make sure that all details are up to date.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Advantage Over Its Competitors by Studying the SWOT Free Essay Example, 2500 words

Strategic planning in the company provides a framework to conduct business in the rapidly changing and competitive global market and provides a vision for the future. Large companies like Thomas Cook have more products in the market and the greater is the need to have an effective planning process and to understand any future fluctuations in the market. The recent years of growth in the travel and tourism industry obscure the perceived need for strategic planning, though the unpredicted economic recessions and discontinuities in the market have brought the matters of planning into focus. The recent developments surrounding mergers, strategic alliances, globalization and investments have also heightened the focus into strategic planning (Middleton et al. , 2009). The strategic decisions should focus on long-run decisions that involve the development of new technology and major investments. This is because Thomas Cook has multiple markets and requires strategic planning to attain effe ctive allocation of resources between all components of the business and efficient relationships. Strategic planning is an effective part of the process through which organizations convince the stakeholders and investors about the vision of the business and the direction they wish to take. We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantage Over Its Competitors by Studying the SWOT or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now It comprises of a statement of objectives and goals, a program activity to attain the goals and an outline of resources needed. Middleton et al. (2009) stipulate that it requires market research and analysis and programs undertaken are analyzed and constantly monitored to assess how well targets are being achieved. It is conducted on the assumption that the effort in resources and time is required to produce quantifiable results and an increasing recognition that future development must be considered. Effective strategic planning involves an analysis of the industry and the current market position occupied by the company, the emerging opportunities in the dynamic world, future prospects of the organization and the measures to be undertaken to achieve set goals and objectives.